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FAQ's on Posting

Started by Chris, February 01, 2011, 01:26:38 AM

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I added moderators to make sure we get rid of spam. As part of being moderators, they have volunteered to help maintain the correct atmosphere at the forums.

Here are Frequently Asked Questions from PGG members:

1. Is porn allowed?

No, porn posts are absolutely NOT allowed. They will be deleted by admin/moderators. We don't want to get our site banned.

2. Are sex topics allowed?

Yes, in moderation, because we have a category for that. However, sex topics should follow the rules below:

a. Topics/Posts should be healthy discussions of do's and dont's regarding straight sexual relationships. This should be a venue to share and to learn what women want from us guys.

b. Sexual solicitation in any form is prohibited.

c. Gay-oriented sex topics are NOT allowed. (Sorry guys, this is a straight male forum)

3. What other types of posts are not allowed at the forums?

a. Threads/posts which are abusive or which threaten other members.

b. Gay-oriented posts. (Guys, I'm sorry I have to draw the line once again. We do not discriminate but this is not a gay website. This is a straight male website hence the name Pinoy Guy Guide. We do not want to scare straight readers away.)

c. Posts that are spam in any form.

d. Posts with blatant advertising.

e. Posts which are off-topic.

Have other questions? Let me know so that I could add to this list.

Note: Pinoy Guy Guide Forums Team (admin and moderators) reserves the right to modify, alter, delete any threads or posts not complying to PGG policies, with or without written notice or explanation.


what should be done with off-topic posts?



May I suggest to ban posters who do type in a "jejemon" way or purposely misspell a word out of convenience (txtspeak)???

^ my suggestion is to delete posts. but it would be too tedious for moderators to do that...


what's wrong with those words??? Please expound and site any rule in this forum or in the country that prohibits people from oding that???


simple, bastardizing the language.

what is "oding", then?


wrong or pwede rin na ---An overdose of a substance or thing pero may aposthrophe yun  OD'ing

bastardizing...whew....bigat na word pwede pa google ng definition


i just can't believe it that such a ridiculous suggestion would come from someone of 'intelligent thought'...


Quote from: ram013 on February 15, 2011, 11:04:31 PM
what's wrong with those words??? Please expound and site any rule in this forum or in the country that prohibits people from oding that???

this sounds so offensive but to prove a point and even CITE an example, your own grammar fails to differentiate Cite with Site.

non-practice invites error. i know you will forever be docile to correction but i am just hoping for your own good.


see may sarili na akong taga spell check at grammar check...I rest my case POINT PROVEN hahaha  ;D


Quote from: ram013 on February 15, 2011, 11:04:31 PM
what's wrong with those words??? Please expound and site any rule in this forum or in the country that prohibits people from oding that???

if you are to refer to first post by Chris, specifically 3-e "Posts which are off-topic" in the context of "types of posts that are not allowed", i just asked what should be done with these "posts which are off-topic"?

i do not know what irked you and you suddenly make this a big deal... geez.


concern naman pala pare... hehehe..

i'd like to suggest that this site's name be change...
instead of Pinoy use Filipino, mas Sosdy.. wala lang.

Oooops.. typo error sa Sossy.. sensiya na..



I do not know what irked you and you suddenly make this a big deal... geez.

irked by off topic..geez...why should I..the hell I care by those off topics....

irked by jejemons and misspelled words...geezz...why should I...the hell I care..I am one of them

Haller...hehehe  8)  :P


well it was just a suggestion. had it been final, them im sorry for you. but no action has been taken.

my point was just it is more proper to have words spelled correctly and we all practice good grammar. doesn't it help you one way or the other to practice correct spelling and grammar, especially when you write your formal documents. it is a shame on your own self, should other people see it.

at least as i said in above post, it will sound so offensive to correct. but at least you get to know something new and correct.

at the end of the day, we are all filipinos, who are supposed to be better english speakers/writers than most asian countries. it is a pity too that koreans and taiwanese are now starting to rise at our expense..


I speak and write english all the time and so far I know I am submitting all documents accurately

this is an informal place where I just can be free and not worry about people who judge... like you and who think he is better of than everyone else.. like you as well  :P

and in this forum..the hell I care if I don't posts correct spelling or grammar..I may be a lesser person to you but I know myself