Poll: Body Type PGG Members have

Started by marvinofthefaintsmile, December 14, 2010, 05:11:45 PM

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What Body Type you have?

What body type you have? Below are key guidelines which can help you identify your body type.

fragile, thin, flat chest, delicate build, young appearance, tall, lightly muscled, stoop-shouldered, large brain, Has trouble gaining weight, muscle growth takes longer.

athletic, hard, muscular body, overly mature appearance, rectangular shaped (hourglass shaped for women), thick skin, upright posture, gains or loses weight easily, grows muscle quickly.

soft body, flabby, underdeveloped muscles, round shaped, over-developed digestive system, trouble losing weight, generally gains muscle easily.

As you guys already know. I'm from the mesomorph body type. Even when I was young, I already have a defined chest compare to other people. My mom said Dad had a six-pack when he was young. Probably, I inherit it to him.

My other best friend has an Ectomorph body type.

^^ wala xang asawa. nakabuntis lng. Hehehe.. Hinde ito c Jude ah.