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Would you date a model?

Sometimes it’s fun to commute. You get to observe your surroundings and appreciate it better and as a bonus, you even get to meet hot women.

*Image credit: SnobmodelsΒ  | Creative Commons

Last week, I went to Mall of Asia by myself to buy a shirt and to hit the gym. On my way home, I rode a jeepney in front of SMX heading towards MRT Taft station where I’d ride a train back home. While inside the jeepney, I handed over my payment. “Bayad po.” I said. I was sitted at the far end of the jeepney, at the back, and none of my co-passengers seemed to care about handing over my payment to the driver. Except one. A girl. A very hot girl who smiled, extended her hand to receive my payment, and passed it on to the driver. I was stunned, struck in awe of what I saw. In my mind I was like, “Wow, who is this gorgeous girl?” I just smiled back to her and said: “Thanks”.

This girl was a sure standout. She’s tall, fair-skinned and has a really beautiful face. She was sitting on the opposite side of the jeepney’s bench but is somewhat nearer to the driver. She dressed sexy but not too revealing. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a 3/4 sleeved shirt while having her earphones stuck in her ear while she’s listening to her iPod. She looked tired but still she’s so attractive.

“Okay, let’s test some man skills and see if I could strike a conversation with this hottie.”, I thought.Β  I wanted to have some chit-chat and maybe introduce myself but I just couldn’t find the right words. It seems that my torpe mode went on. What even made it harder for me is that I couldn’t think of something witty to say. To make things worse, we have arrived at the MRT station in Taft Avenue even before I could utter a word to her.

Before I knew it, I was already going down from the jeepney and heading towards the stairs of the MRT station. In my mind I said: “WTF! Missed opportunity!”.

As I was climbing up the stairs I was startled when I saw her again beside me going up the stairs too.Β  So is she going to ride the MRT too or is she just going to use the overpass to cross the other side of the road? I have no idea. There’s just so many people at that time and with a blink of an eye, I lost sight of her.

So I just moved on and told myself “forget it!”. I rode the train, listened to my Zen and just headed for home. End of story? Not yet!

Forty minutes later, I reached the MRT North Avenue Station. As I exited the train, I noticed a familiar-looking face. That’s her! Unbelievable. I followed her as she went to buy some cellphone e-load at a loading kiosk in the station. I said to myself that this would be an easy way to get her phone number. Picture this out: As she was writing down her cellphone number at the loading kiosk, I sneaked behind her and copied her number on my cellphone. You’d think: What a loser way to get a hot girl’s number right? It’s pathetic. I couldn’t stand it either. It makes me look like a creep.

So although I already have her number, I followed her down the stairs because I wanted to prove to myself that I have the balls to introduce myself to this hot woman. And as if I was being lucky that moment, she dropped her wallet while she was walking and she did not even notice it. “Bingo. Now’s the time.”, I said to myself. So I hurried to pick up her wallet, ran behind her until I caught up with her and said:

Me: “Miss, nahulog yung wallet mo.” Then I handed it over to her

Her: “Uy, thank you, thank you. Saan mo nakita?” She said with a cute smile on her face.

Me: “Doon oh. Nahulog sya habang naglalakad ka kanina.”

Her: “Thanks ulit ha.”

Me: “Sure.”

So as we walked together side by side, I started to talk to her more.

Me: “Miss, parang kanina pa kita nakakasabay. Mula Mall of Asia pa”.

Her: *Grins*. “Oo nga eh. Mula dun sa jeep hanggang sa MRT, tapos dito.”

Me: “Oo nga eh. So, nagwowork ka pa or nag-aaral?”

Her: “Nagwowork na.”

Me: “I see. I’m Chris by the way. And you are?”Β  I extended my arm for a handshake.

Her: “Just call me Nikki” she said while shaking my hand

Me: “So, going back Nikki – san ka pala work? Sa MOA?”

Her: “Nope, actually more of part-time ako ngayon. Pero napunta lang ako sa MOA kasi may event.”

Me: “I see. So paanong part-time? Call-center, BPO or Sales?” (Note: These are the few jobs I know that accept part-time.)

Her: “Naku wag na baka di ka pa maniwala” she said laughing.

Me: “Sabihin mo lang, maniniwala ako. Seryoso.”

Her: “Uhm ano… part-time model.”


Fig 4.19.12 – We guys love to date trophy girls a.k.a models

For a brief 5 seconds there was dead air. I did not speak. I was a bit astonished. So now I know why she’s damn hot. She’s a model! Damn… why did it not even cross my mind? Maybe because I didn’t know that models ride jeepneys and trains too.

So I just continued our conversation so that I could finally ask for her number. Now if you do recall, I already have her number (after sneaking in a creepy way earlier at the loading station) but I just wanted to test if she will trust me enough to give me her real number before she rides the shuttle at the terminal.

Me: “Ayos ah. Model? So… what’s the best way to reach you? Phone or email?”

Her: “Phone na lang.”

As I readied to enter her digits in my phone. She said, “Chris, I can type it on your phone if you like.”

Me: “Sure”

So I gave her my phone and she started typing her digits. As she was doing that, she started laughing.

Me: “Bakit?”

Her: “Di ka naman natatakot na baka itakbo ko phone mo?”

Me: “Hindi naman. Di ka naman mukhang holdupper eh” I said laughing.

And so after she handed back my phone to me, we said goodbye to each other. I told her I’ll give her a call so that she’ll know my number too and she said: “okay, sure. Nice to meet you Chris and thank you for returning my wallet.”

After we split up, I checked if the number she entered on my phone is the same number that I copied from the loading station. Voila, same number! I was thrilled. I went home with a big smile on my face. Awesome day.

Just in case you are curious, we already started texting each other but I haven’t taken the next step. Two important factors make me think twice before taking her out on a date:

First is that, I do think she’s too young. I found out she’s only 18 and although she’s working as a model, she still goes to school.

Second, I am not 100% sure if dating a model is a good idea in the long term. Models meet and get hit on by hundreds of guys all the time and that would make it difficult for me to have peace of mind once we take it to the next level. As I’ve mentioned in the PGG Forums, I am currently searching for “the one” (CHEESY dude, I know) so it’s time for me to get a little serious and minimize playing around.

So there – either I take this seriously or just go with the flow and have some fun. Let’s see how this unfolds.

How about you guys, what do you think? Should I date this bombshell? Would you date a model?


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Hi, my name is Chris and I am the founder of Pinoy Guy Guide. As a guy living in Bonifacio Global City in Manila, Philippines, I have a strong interest in writing about men's fashion, lifestyle, pop culture and gear for guys.


  • ‘ey chris, last time i checked a trophy GF can still be the same as the right one. i hope i’m not sensing insecurities and lack of trust when you mentioned you won’t have a peace of mind having a commercial model as GF.

    unsolicited advice – treat her fairly and don’t ever bring yourself down. the last thing she would need is a star-struck fan.

    btw i have similar experience that i almost dated an actress when i was still studying. thinking i can get away with watch movie – eat resto – see where it goes. but she’s more of the high maintenance type even she had humble beginnings perhaps being a celebrity elevated her tastes to watch concerts and have a dinner at fancy restaurant in one of those ritzy hotel…. oh well πŸ™‚

    good luck chris! invite her to post sa PGG hehehe

  • james – that’s top secret. LOL

    hiei – yes, I think I said it wrong. It is not about insecurities. I think that similar to your experience, I am a bit more concerned if she is the high maintenance type. I don’t want to have a girlfriend who has needs and wants that I just could not afford. And since models get to know different guys, they might dump you for someone who has a deeper pocket than you have. but who knows? maybe Nikki would be different. Let’s see. Thanks for the advice man!

  • your welcome chris. there’s only one way to know if she’s high maintenance πŸ˜‰ but basing from your story of her riding the jeep and MRT, i think her feet is still planted on the ground. otherwise, she already hitched a ride or rode a taxi/FX.

    forgot to mention, my filthy rich classmate dated the actress and told me that he had problems parking his car… let’s just say that she’s not from an exclusive village where you feel safe and nothing bad will happen.

  • hi kuya chris! LOL haha! honestly to say while reading you’re story there’s something that reminds on my mind.the fact that i met the girl in Moa haha!
    at first she caught my eye then good to say that she stared at me too! lols
    and she started our conversation(wow!)
    Girl: kuya taga saan ka po?
    me: taga Laguna ako(natotorpe)
    Girl: ha?talaga?
    me:oh?bakit? πŸ™‚
    Girl: kasi taga Laguna rin ako πŸ™‚
    me:talaga?saan don?
    Girl:sa Sta.Cruz.laguna,ikaw?
    me:really?haha ako rin
    Girl: destiny! πŸ™‚
    me:haha! oo nga ih.
    then we have to go,and i’ve tried to search her name in facebook finally she’s one of my friend(infact she and i,we do have online chatting,also i asked her number i’m kinda natotorpe pa! haha,tapos yun pag bukas ko ng account ko she gave her number! boom!)
    always na kaming nag uusap online,kaso nahihiya pa ako gumawa ng move!
    pano ba?tulong naman,haha i hate rejections
    haha! share lang…
    actually she’s not model but she’s so cute πŸ™‚

  • hiei – yes, i do hope so she remains like that. btw, i’m curious who the actress is. LOL.

    christopher – nice! why don’t you call/text her and invite her for a date?

  • chris clues na lang ala blind item πŸ™‚ sikat PGG, publicists might pick it up. she’s a part of tv show composed of kids and teens sa abs cbn… let’s leave it at that na lang πŸ˜‰

  • nagkakatext kami(if she has a load) call?nahihiya pa ako,haha
    date?binabalak ko nayan kaso talagang nahihiya ako,pero i’ll try it. πŸ™‚

    di talagang maiwasan satin ang pagiging torpe!!!

  • you’re the man! don’t miss this opportunity, ang daming signs na gusto ka rin niya or at least malaki chance mo. you know some models are also searching for the right guy. mahirap kasi intimidated ang most guys sa kanila. and she seems nice so treat her nice. just be yourself and be confident. Good luck!

  • hiei – sure no worries.

    christopher – sayang. go get her.

    al – hi al! welcome to PGG. thanks for the tips.

    el toro bumingo – me too. i’m not rich but maybe not all models are after money. i’ll give it a try.

  • Ayos ah!, swerte mo kuya chris! hehe πŸ™‚

    Same experience here, MOA, rin, kaso sa ice skating ring,, torpe torpe din ako nun haha, kaya nung nabasa ko to, naalala ko yun bigla XD

    btw, thumbs up! sa pag sneak mo sa loading station lol ,, binigyan mo kami ng idea ehehe, (medyo creepy nga lang tlga) haha joke! goodluck sayo kuya! πŸ™‚

  • go for it chris, test the waters and if works out. bingo ka. best of luck my friend ^_^

  • Yo Chris I’ve reading & visiting your blog since way back… I can’t remember. haha Dude wag mo na siyang pakawalan if you are having a great rapport with her. Nagpapart time model din kasi ako. At first akala ko most of them are having this high maintainance thing. The attention, looks, money and everything. Pero hindi pala. I realized that they just want to be treated normally.The way things should be. =D

    Parehas din tayo ng experience. Kaso sakin naman I met this girl through a common friend. Nanliliit ako kasi ang ganda. After partying same way pala kami, pero nilakasan ko lang loob ko by giving body signs of affection kahit na sabog na ako. Tapos pag-uwi ko she added me na pala at fb and nag-exchange pa kami ng numbers. haha I wasn’t expecting that pero buti nalang ginawa ko yun.

    Goodluck! Sana maging kayo! Age doesn’t matter naman. haha

  • thanks Brent. well sometimes age matters. through the days, I think I am starting to see that we don’t have lots of things in common.

  • hi Chris,,,natutuwa ako sa sinulat mo its like im reading a romance novel,a little advice take ur time wag mo munang madaliin ang mga bagay bagay since tulad ng sabi mo bata pa sya,makuntento ka muna sa pagiging magkaibigan nyo,pero i must say that she like you to or shes intersted on you kasi in the first place,she wont bother to give her number to you just because napulot mo wallet nya….God bless cris and pls tell us kung maging kayo na..hahaha

  • chris, kahit na sabihin pa nating model yan, tao pa rin yan… so go for it… nagiging tingin kasi ng tao na pag nasabing model, mataas agad tingin sa kanila… trabaho lang yung modeling….

    i do not see anything wrong dating a girl (with an occupation of being a model), she’s still a girl… =D

  • sorry i cant help but comment

    dude take the shot. sure, she’ll get hit on by other guys, but it takes two to tango, u know, when u get to the next level, just trust her.

    Risk it and just have fun, that’s what life is!

  • HI Chris!

    You’re a lucky man…but your luck seems to hang by the thread…

    I understand that meeting such beautiful hot gorgeous hot babes (HB) can easily tke our breath away, but lets not be overcome by our feelings for her…

    first of all who the fuck is she? so what if shes a model?

    the basic rule here is “your value has to be higher than her”.

    don’t let her know that you’re a pussy nice guy.. and nothing can go wrong by just saying a simple hi…

    ask her for a quick opinion..like a situational opinion or anything from love and relationships, movies, music etc.

    ask her things that triggers her emotions. do not ask her boring stuffs like jobs etc..

    and i do recommend you to make statements more often.

    for ex: model ka pala at nag-aaral… sigguradong palagi kang pagod nyan kasi mukhang mahirap yang ginagawa mo ah…

    and then tease her a bit: kita na nga yung mga eybags mo oh..hehehe..

    in line with that make you small conversations fun and flirtatious
    1. use NEG(similar to teasing)
    ex: uy ang cute ng kuko mo ah….kuko ba talaga to? πŸ™‚

    anjo yllana routine:
    ilang taon ka na ba?
    her: 24.
    uy hindi halatang 24 ah…(then as soon as she starts blushing)
    parang 25… πŸ™‚
    laundry routine:
    get her hands ” uy huhulaan kita” then closely examine her hands… if its soft, then tease her ” uy lambot ng kamay ah…hindi ka siguro naglalaba noh..(or gumagawa ng gawaing bahay whatever)..make variations of the routine.

    Start the “kino” escalation:
    – by holding her hands you made her comfortable early on kasi if you do that very later in your interaction it will be very awkward and obvious. play thumb wreslte, give her high five(apir!) whenever you agree on somthing. any activities that would include physical contact. but it should be fun and flirtatious and exciting.

    i could go on and on with the advise but its very long and its not gonna make you good all night .. i’m guaranteeing you na you can get her if you contact me.

    i just wanted to let you know my friend na looks and money dont matter. as a matter of fact makakahadlang pa ang mga yun sayo. believe me. my ex told me before na theres this one guy na hindi nya sinagot kasi shes too handsome.

    if you display confidence, indifference, dominance, good body language and a good understanding of how woman behave… you are miles ahead than any other guy. so just keep hitting on her and dont be needy. display that you are a man of high value and she will notice it..

    see ya!

  • Franco Lopez… Style kaw ba yan? hahahha
    Jan Daniel… Tara. Iwiwingman natin si Franco Lopez. ahhahaha

  • Haha this entry is so funny but i really adore your pasimpleng-pacute move. This article really catched my attention cause i’m doing a part time job also in modelling industry (hindi nga lang halata) cause i’m not the type of girl na pansinin ng mga lalaki especially ng mga pinoy.

    I think yung girl na nameet mo is someone doing the event modelling those girls na not the skinny type, not so tall, but they have a very pretty face. Just to share things about modelling. Yeah madaming pretty faces, iba’t-ibang ganda ng tao ang makikita mo. If you guys kabado to date a model eh mas lalo naman ang model na magdate din ng model. Most of them especially the guys masyadong narcists, they are times magsasawa ka din mukhan na puro yabang, sa abs na kapag nagdate kayo eh puro na lang salad, most of the models na nakakasalamuha ko most of their boyfriends/partner are those guys in corporate world & guess sila yung mas nagtatagal kesa sa model-to-model relationship. Just be yourself sir πŸ™‚ & a good introduction never fails yung tipong “Hi, im Chris & i think your really beautiful” samahan mo na rin ng pahumble smile πŸ™‚ we girls might drool on those abs, muscles but at the end of the day we still prepare someone na simple, a guy who can handle a good conversation for without noticing the hours passes by even if your just eating fish balls. πŸ™‚ How i wish sana magkita ulit kayo ni ateng maganda soon πŸ™‚ have a nice day!

  • Fhem – wow that is an eye opener. This was 3 years ago and sadly, wala na kami communication haha. Salamat sa mga tips though! πŸ™‚

    I just find it strange: models are nervous dating models too? whyyyyy?

  • This is a hard one. We dreamed of being exclusive to a super-model but you would have to be a real confidently super secure man to do so. I have never dated one although I have done worse, dated a hot stripper from outside Chicago. I really had to convince myself that after all the men who drool over her and her lap dances that she’s coming home to bang me. She never did cheat and we had an ok relationship. She had enough money to pay for everything, she wouldn’t let me pay. We just kind of grew apart, our schedules tended to conflict.

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